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It’s all about pushing big weights in the gym...or maybe not. Putting up big numbers with the barbell is definitely a feat to pursue, but it’s not the only way to sculpt the body you desire. In fact, trainees who make calisthenics their primary form of resistance training have arguably the best aesthetics on average.
Calisthenics is the combination of two Greek words, kállos and sthenos, with kállos referring to beauty, and sthenos meaning strength. When you look at what this type of training truly means, it's easy to understand why to to be successful at calisthenics, you need to be strong AND have great body composition.
All of this is awesome but you also need to know how to train correctly. As you only have your body and limited equipment, you must understand how to target specific areas. Plus, you need to know to progress to pack on muscle mass and increase strength.
That's where we come in as we cover the best calisthenics workout plan to build muscle and improve strength, crucial programming tips, and directions for performing each exercise.
Table of Contents:
Calisthenics refers to any movement where your body acts as the main load.
It's important to note that this means it's a form of exercise in which you're lifting your body weight, but you will still need some equipment to perform many of the exercises you're about to see in this program, such as a bar, rings, or something sturdy to perform chin ups on.
This can be used as a calisthenics workout for beginners or advanced. You will simply alter the variations and intensity for your level. Here’s how it looks all together.
While you’re using RPE for most of these exercises, you still need to gradually implement progressive overload. In this case, RPE is used as everyone will be using different rep ranges, so the most important thing, as listed below, is to try to implement a lighter and heavier variation which will be brought to an RPE of 7-8 (Bring it to a good burn).
Do this and include progressive overload, and you’ll be awesome.
Here are 4 things to keep in mind when following a calisthenics workout plan.
One of the biggest misconceptions about bodyweight exercises seems to be that you can do them more often. While anecdotally, it does seem like you may recover faster, your muscles physiology works the same exact way.
When your muscles are activated, they don’t know whether you’re performing a bench press or push-ups. Therefore, the variables are going to be more or less the same. The most obvious difference is that you will have no isolating movements, and your exercise selection will be quite smaller. That being said, you will want to perform calisthenics workouts 4 days a week using an upper/lower split.
The main difference will be assigning rep ranges, as you will be performing a much higher amount of reps than normal. Further, this can differ depending on if you have an external loading system.
Therefore, you are going to use RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion) to measure your reps. For the majority of the exercises, you will use RPE7-8, which means you’ll perform the exercise until it starts to burn. If you wanted when following RPE, you could go to failure on the LAST set once in a while. We’re also going to use 4 sets for most exercises.
You will want to have a lighter day and heavier day for your upper and lower training. As there are a limited amount of exercises, you will perform the same exercises, or very similar (chin-up & pull-ups) 2x a week. Therefore, this might mean that one day you use an easier version on the light day and then a progression on the harder day.
For rest times, most exercises work fine with 1:30-2:00 minute rest periods. The exceptions are the nordic curls which may require 2:00-3:00 rest.
There’s a ton of variability, so part of calisthenics is figuring it out for yourself. Also, some exercises allow many reps (squats) while others are more difficult (pull-ups).
For the majority of exercises, you should be able to do around 20-30 reps non-stop before trying to progress. For dips and pulling movements, this number will drop to 10-20. Again, your main goal is to always be improving and trying to push yourself.
You've got the workout and programming tips. Now, it's time to go over the best calisthenic exercises for every body part, so you know how to perform them correctly.
The best calisthenics exercises are:
This will be set up by defining a particular movement and then adding progressions to that exercise. Further, there will also be a Gymnastics and Advanced Exercises section so you can keep progressing!
Push ups and dips are staples for training the chest, shoulders, and triceps using calisthenics.
Push-ups are probably the most popular calisthenic exercise there is. Everyone has done them and is generally a part of fitness tests for the military, police forces, and overall health. This being said, we want to first make sure you are using good form and then provide progressions.
How To Perform Push-ups And Progress:
Decline push-ups are the equivalent to an incline bench press. This means you’re going to work your upper chest and shoulders a little bit more. However, as your body will be more vertical relative to regular push-ups, you will be lifting a more significant percentage of your body weight, so they will be a bit harder. That being said, the progressions will be precisely the same as the traditional push-ups.
How To Perform Decline Push-ups And Progress:
Pike push-ups require a bit of mobility as you will want to place your body into an upside-down V position. This will put your butt high in the air, causing your lower body and upper body to be more vertical. Therefore, you will be pressing over your head and training your shoulders.
How To Perform Pike Push-ups And Progress:
Push-Back-Ups are one of the best exercises you’ve never done. These basically involve doing a push-up, but instead of pushing yourself up, you push yourself back into a crouching position that looks like the Child Pose but not on your knees. Since you’re pushing back, you’ll focus on the shoulders more
How To Perform Push-Back-Ups And Progress:
For most people, these will take some time to progress on. The end result will be you being completely inverted up against a wall doing handstand push-ups. While this will take a lot of practice, it’s definitely attainable by anyone. Therefore, you will get started where you’re at. Now, there are two different methods that you will use simultaneously to progress.
How To Perform Wall Handstand Pushups And Progress:
Dips are one of the best calisthenic exercises there are. In fact, if all you did were chin-ups and dips, you’d probably be ok. Dips will target all of your pushing muscles but specifically your triceps as you’ll do “triceps dips”. For a more detailed article on other dip variations, check out our full article here.
How To Perform Dips And Progress:
Interested in more bodyweight exercises targeting these muscle groups? Check out our articles on the best Bodyweight Chest Exercises, Bodyweight Shoulder Exercises, and Bodyweight Tricep Exercises.
Your back exercises are going to primarily consist of 3 movements. However, there are plenty of progressions and variations for you to work on.
Aren’t chin-ups and push-ups the same? No, they are not. While very similar, there are several distinct differences. The primary difference is the handgrip, as chin-ups utilize a supinated or underhand grip. This forces the elbows to be in front of you and allows more flexion of the elbow. This being said, chin-ups will place more emphasis on the biceps and upper back. Chin ups are a must in any calisthenics arm workout worth its salt!
How To Perform Chin-Up And Progress:
Note: Both variations of progression (fingers and placing an arm out) can be used as some trainees tend to like one more than the other. Or, you can use them together. It won’t really make a difference as long as you’re making sure to gradually increase the intensity.
In comparison to chin-ups, pull-ups will use a pronated grip or overhand grip. This allows the elbows to be placed out to the side more to create more lat activation. Further, pull-ups are going to be the main tool to use when progressing to more challenging variations. This is simply because other variations require an overhand grip due to hand placement or movement.
Mastering pulls up is tough, but trust us when we say, it's worth it! Packed with pulls up benefits, no workout routine should be without this exercise.
How To Perform Pull-Ups And Progress:
Can't perform a single pull up? It's time to take our pull up progression program.
Australian rows, also known as inverted rows, are calisthenic answers to the bent-over row. To perform an Australian row, you will need at least one straight bar. However, having multiple heights or a TRX system would be optimal as you can adjust the height.
How To Perform Australian Rows And Progress:
For additional exercise ideas, check out our articles on the best Bodyweight Back Exercises and Bodyweight Biceps Exercises.
The lower body is a bit “easier” to train as, generally speaking, your lower body can handle your body weight better. That being said, this means you’ll need more difficult progressions faster. No worries though as there is plenty to work on.
Bodyweight squats are going to be the foundational movement for your lower body, even without a barbell! As mentioned above, most people can handle bodyweight squats relatively quickly, so we will include progressions all the way up to one-legged squats.
How To Perform Squats And Progress:
Related: What Happens When You Do 100 Squats a Day?
Soon enough, regular squats won’t be enough so you’ll want to add one-legged squats to your calisthenics legs workout. The two ways to do this are pistol squats and skater squats (below). A pistol squat consists of a one-legged squat by extending one leg out in front of you as you squat down.
How To Perform Pistol Squats And Progress:
If you have a TRX system or resistance bands, your best option is to use those to help assist you. Hold the TRX or resistance band as you go down and to help pull you back up. If not, you can use a bar for support.
Regardless of the tool you use, you’ll want to gradually use less and less assistance.
Lunges are a great uni-lateral addition to your workout. While there’s a limited amount of ways to increase their intensity, they are going to massively improve your stability.
How To Perform Lunges And Progress:
Skater squats are another one-legged “squat” but actually resemble a one-legged lunge more, so these will come after you progress on lunges. As mentioned, skater squats are a one-legged squat, so in this case, the leg will go behind you like a lunge, except it won’t touch the floor.
How To Perform Skater Squats And Progress:
This method is precisely the same as with the pistol squats. Use some support to assist with the movement and while gradually lessening the amount of assistance you use.
Nothing fancy here. These are your basic bodyweight calf raises. The best spot to perform these is on a ledge that allows your foot to drop. If not, you can simply do them on flat ground. OR, you could just walk around on your toes. Don’t overthink these. Choose either method or switch and work until you feel a burn.
For more lower body moves, check out these Best Bodyweight Leg Exercises!
Hip hinges are key to working the posterior chain (erector spine, glutes, and hamstrings). While there are three different variations, they will all ultimately produce the same movement.
On sessions you do lower body, you might want to bring a towel for these since you’ll lay on your back. Glute bridges are a great movement to strengthen your glutes and hamstrings. Plus, they’re pretty easy to do.
How To Perform Glute Bridges And Progress:
While these are different movements, they are together as they will gradually progress to a single-leg which looks basically the same. Both are great exercises to train the entire posterior chain. When you begin, feel free to alter the movement on a weekly basis. These movements will be high rep.
How To Perform Romanian Deadlifts/Good Morning:
Nordic curls are one of the few movements that allow you to isolate a muscle, the hamstrings. Nordic curls are one of the best exercises to improve the strength of the hamstrings and are often used among athletes to prevent injuries1. It simply involves anchoring your feet and then lowering yourself down slowly.
How To Perform Nordic Curls And Progress:
The best core exercises have virtually always been calisthenic-based. Regardless, here are the best calisthenic exercises for the core.
Walkouts are the calisthenic equivalent to barbell rollouts. The barbell rollout is easily the single best exercise for the core. In fact, research shows it elicits the highest activity for every core muscle compared to other core exercises2.
For these, you will get into a normal push-up position and then walk your hands out as far as you can and then come back. Eventually you’ll want to be able to “kiss the ground” and then come back up.
One of the main functions of the core is to facilitate the rotation of the core. Therefore, we want to include some Russian twists. When performing these, be sure to have your entire torso rotate so that your shoulders turn. It does no good to just move your hands back and forth.
Check out the 30 Best Bodyweight Core Exercises for more ab workout ideas!
Here are some other core exercises you can work on as well.
Window washers are going to train your core, specifically your obliques, like no other. They consist of bringing your body up so that your back is parallel with the ground and your feet are sticking straight up.
You then proceed to rotate your core so that your feet point in one direction. Then, you rotate them the other way. When done correctly, this will resemble window wipers going back and forth.
This is a bit safer variation since now you’re holding the bar and your legs hang. The hanging knee raise will include curling your knees up which is going to target the lower rectus abdominis3. The key is that you need to be sure to curl your pelvis up as this is what activates the lower portion.
If all you do is bring the knees to parallel, you will primarily work your hip flexors. In fact, this is the differentiation between inverted crunches. During knee raises, your upper portion remains straight and your lower portion curls up. This is opposite to what you see during inverted crunches.
Be careful with these ‘cause you’re gonna hang upside down! It should be obvious but we want to be very clear that only more advanced trainees should try this. Further, when beginning, keep your hands grabbing onto the bar until you’re comfortable.
That being said, these inverted crunches are going to be an insane ab core workout. When looking at the specific muscles, these are similar to decline reverse curls, which targets the upper rectus abdominis3.
Here is a list of some effective and easy (relative) movements you can set a goal to work toward. You could do these on an optional day by themselves or work on some of them on your workout days.
Plus, there are some other accessible variables you can perform if your workouts get stale.
1) Crane Pose: The crane pose will improve your flexibility, mobility, and shoulder stability (as well as strength)
2) Muscle Ups: Muscle-ups are a great movement to set as a goal. Once you can perform at least 15 good pull-ups (estimate number), you could start practicing. The first thing you’d want to do is sternum pull-ups, where you do a pull-up and bring your body as high as you can. At the same time, start practicing straight bar dips. Gradually, you’ll improve on both until you get it. If you have variable height, you can start lower so that you can jump to assist you.
3) L-sits: A crazy core exercise. Start by lifting one leg at a time. Gradually increase the time you hold up a leg and then switch to two. Again, gradually increase the time you hold them up.
4) Close Grip Chin-ups: This is a simple variation that will utilize the biceps more.
5) Close Stance Squats: Again, a simple variation that will emphasize the quadriceps.
While some calisthenics moves are bodyweight only, the difference between bodyweight training and calisthenics is that many calisthenics exercises work best with some type of equipment. In fact, calisthenics quickly loses its appeal without some bars, a loading component, and a rope apparatus (i.e. TRX).
Plus, as you become more advanced, adding progressions to your calisthenics workout plan through TRX training or additional loading, will ensure you continue making gains.
As mentioned, while there’s not a ton, you will need minimal equipment to successfully perform calisthenics. This is the bare minimum to run this program (or any calisthenics program)
Check out these 7 Best Pull Up Bars to find one that will help you hit your training goals.
If you have the above bars, you’ll be good to go. However, here are some extras that would make training long-term much more efficient
Looking for more equipment to up your calisthenics game? Here are the 8 Best Calisthenics Equipment For Home Gyms!
Following a calisthenics workout plan hosts a ton of benefits that make it a great training option.
One of the reasons I love it so much is that it's a great form of training to gauge how fit you are, as having a lower-body fat percentage means you can be more successful. Calisthenics isn’t just about being strong; it’s about being strong and aesthetically pleasing.
The top 5 benefits of calisthenics are:
Calisthenics emphasizes both strength and aesthetics. However, the aesthetic aspect is different from bodybuilding, where you are judged by how you look. In calisthenics, having better aesthetics means you have better body composition, allowing you to progress further and perform more advanced movements.
In fact, calisthenics would be boring if you never improved your aesthetics, as you would never be able to progress to the “cool” movements like flags and muscle-ups. Therefore, losing weight has another benefit of being healthy and looking good; you get to do more cool moves!
For the most part, calisthenics can be completely free or at least very cheap. Ideally, you have a local park near you with a set of bars that you can use for free. If not, installing some at your house can be done relatively inexpensively. Further, once installed, that’s it! There are no more monthly gym payments or anything.
Once you advance, you may want to invest in some gear. Some common examples of purchases you might need to make are:
Being that your body is responsible for moving, rather than moving weight on a machine, you will only be using natural movements the way your body was supposed to move. This includes lunges, squats, push-ups, pull-ups, jumping, and pulling.
Because you use such a large amount of muscle with calisthenic movements, you’re going to definitely put on a good amount of muscle. However, this means you’re also going to burn a lot of calories.
This makes regularly performing a calisthenic workout routine an optimal choice for whatever your goal is.
While there are some ways to isolate some muscles, virtually every exercise will be a multi-joint, compound movement. This means you’re going to be using a lot of muscle mass which means more strength gains, higher muscle hypertrophy, and more calories burned.
While we think calisthenics is pretty awesome, we’d be lying to you if we said it’s perfect. Here are some things you need to consider when deciding if calisthenics is right for you.
Now I said “almost” impossible, not “impossible”. While some moves can be used to “target” specific muscles, it’s basically impossible to truly isolate them. With calf raises for the calves as an exception (and scapula pull-ups!), you won’t be able to only train one muscle. This may be an issue for someone who has a lagging body part or wants to enhance a muscle.
With that said, you can still have workouts focusing on your major body parts, as shown in our Calisthenics Back Workout Routine and our Calisthenics Chest Workout.
When going to the gym and using free weights, you use what’s known as “absolute strength.” This simply means how strong you are based on the amount of weight you lift. Calisthenics uses your body as a weight, meaning it measures “relative strength”. This means it relies on how well you can manipulate your own body weight. Therefore, it’s very possible to see trainee A have higher relative strength than trainee B only to find that trainee B has higher relative strength than trainee A. This is primarily decided by the body composition of the individual.
This means that an overweight trainee or a trainee who has minimal muscle mass will find calisthenics challenging to train at first. This is caused by them not being able to lift their body. While there are ways to scale calisthenics, this difficulty can deter some people.
Related to the above, improving on calisthenics requires patience. When going to the gym, it’s reasonable to expect to be able to add an extra 5lbs to your lifts weekly. This isn’t going to happen with calisthenics as you rely on adding reps to your movement to improve.
For example, let’s say you weigh 150lbs and perform the bench press with your body weight, 150lbs. If you go to the gym the next week you can add 5lbs and perform the bench press with 155lbs. When using calisthenics, you will have to add an entire rep. You see how this will become very difficult.
Now, calisthenics is excellent and you will improve; it may just not be as easily measured as when going to the gym.
Due to the nature of the movements in calisthenics, it’s very difficult to “train around the pain”. This is because, unless you are advanced, every exercise will be bilateral, meaning you use both sides.
Therefore, if your right arm hurts, you’re not able to only train your left. Further, you have a limited selection of exercises to choose from. This means you cannot choose from a wide selection of exercises and find a more comfortable one.
Related Article: Gym Body vs Calisthenics Body
We just went over an awesome calisthenics plan that will work extremely well. After running this program, you’ll believe in the effectiveness calisthenics possesses in building muscle mass and strength.
If you're new to calisthenics, we recommend first starting with our calisthenics for beginners workout plan. Packed with the best introductory exercises, it's a great program to get you started on your calisthenics journey!
Want to take your calisthenics training to the next level? Here are 8 essentials for calisthenics.
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